Broad Based Extension System
Assistant Professor
Broad Based Extension System
(Introduced under Tamil Nadu Agricultural Development Project-TNADP).
This system has been introduced in Tamil Nadu State from 1.4.1991. Government of Tamil Nadu has entered into an agreement with world bank through government of India for implementing the project for seven years from 1991.
Need for Broad Based System
The Training and Visit system recognized the ‘farm family approach’ rather than ‘crop approach’ and ‘area approach’. In irrigated areas the village extension workers have full time job because the agricultural crops occupy 9-10 months in a year. In drylands, the village extension workers do not have full time opportunities since the crops occupy 4-6 months. The messages delivered to the farmers were crop oriented and less importance was given to allied activities.
How broad based extension is an improvement over T & V System
This system aims at rectifying the defects. Role of subject matter specialist is amplified and they are invited to formulate messages suitable to their land based activities. The village extension workers will have full time job by offering messages during lean season. The concept of broad based extension lies in formulating and delivering composite messages to the farmers to meet the needs of their full agricultural environment.
Principles of broad based extension
1. Adoption of an integrated farming systems approach for the generation of relevant composite messages.
2. Broadening the range of subjects from agricultural crops to all allied subjects.
3. Improvement of the effective communication of the farming community.
4. Introduction of resource based planning down to sub-division level.
5. Encourages participation of non-governmental organization in all agricultural extension activities.
Objectives of the broad based extension
1. To increase the farm income.
2. To solve problems of the farming community.
3. To make extension system more cost effective.
4. To upgrade the quality of the extension workers.
5. To popularize integrated farming system approach.
Scope of the broad based extension system
The activities of all land based departments will be unified in the long run. Duplication of efforts and unhealthy competitions will be avoided. Agricultural department offers full support to the activities of all the line departments.
Methodology: Broad based extension system help the farmers in getting multiple messages needed to improve their overall economy besides helping to grow agricultural crops. Thus, the farmers are encouraged in sericultural activities, growing good fodders, animal husbandry activities and growing fish in the farm ponds etc. These activities enable the farm community to get extra income.
Need for the broad based extension: This system was formed to encourage the activities of the farmers. Different departments compete with one another and they have proposed to increase the staff component to contact as many farmers as possible. World Bank and government of India thought to utilize the well established extension agency and bringing all extension and land based activities together.
Role of subject matter specialist: District level subject matter specialists were positioned under the T & V system. They were SMS (Agronomy), SMS (Plant protection), SMS (Information and Training) and SMS (Training and visit). One additional SMS is responsible for the activities of oilseeds, horticulture etc., SMS have to expand their horizon. For instance SMS (Agronomy) has to expand his activities to areas like mulberry cultivation, fruit trees, fodder cultivation etc. In areas where SMS is not available trainers from that particular department will act as SMS in that particular subject.
Organizational set up: The extension system created under T & V system will be maintained. The VEW, AO, Taluk level SMS, District level SMS will be operating. There will be only marginal changes in the strength of field functionaries. The ratio of one VEW to farm families will be brought down and thus there will be marginal increase of VEW.
Operational guidelines: The monthly zonal workshop, fortnightly training, and fixed programme of field visits will be continued without any change. In the monthly zonal workshops SMS will help to formulate messages which are location specific.
Implementation of broad based extension system in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu is the pioneer state which has implemented this system from 1993. An agreement has been signed with world bank for executing a seven year contract. The GOI and state government have organized regional level workshops to discuss and finalize training programme. The state level institute at Kudumianmalai will help the officers to understand this system much more effectively. Ultimately the VEW will be trained fully in all aspects of broad based extension system.
Training Programme: A comprehensive training programme is envisaged. All land based departments will identify five number of state level and district level trainers who are SMS. They are responsible for conducting classes fully or partly. The district level trainers will attend the monthly zonal workshop. They will help to solve the field problems faced by the extension agents. Trainers from sister departments will be made to participate in this programme.
Role of Agricultural Department and Line Departments
Broad based extension involves the coordination of line departments with the agricultural department. Agricultural department will serve as nodal department. For e.g. in NWDPRA areas messages delivered will cover agricultural department, agricultural engineering department and forest department for land treatment, vegetative bunding crop and trees. In hilly areas messages will be delivered by horticultural department. In areas where silk industries are predominant sericulture department will take a leading role. Agricultural department will be the nodal department to initiate activities.
It can be concluded that the broad based extension system will help the farmer to obtain composite messages suitable to agriculture as well as to allied activities. The agricultural extension system will work in close coordination with sister and line departments. The farmer is expected to derive maximum benefit from this system.
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